Max Juhasz was born in 1967 in Vukovar. Started as a photographer during the war for Croatian independence in 1991. He is the founder of the photography collective KADAR 36, and a member of the Croatian Association of Visual Artists – HDLU. He lives and works in Zagreb, Croatia.

“Although he does not belong directly to the current dominant photographic trends, his work, based on the classics of the black & white documentary and street photography, by its subjective documentarism in the form of visual storytelling, corresponds to the contemporary tendencies defining his style. Reflecting through the symbolic interpretation and juxtaposition, his photographs, full of nostalgic melancholy, neo-noir dystopia and subtle sarcasm or humor, show the main traits of his work, which can perhaps best be characterized as an intuitive observation, urban adventure and a kind of visual diary. In his intention to create evocative images, his work clearly resists the global mediocrity in the world of consumerist culture and hyper-production of banality.” (Sonja Švec Španjol – MA Art Historian)

2022. Gallery Kralus, Sv. Ivan Zelina, Croatia – ‘The Nighthawk’
2019. Museum of Losinj / Fritzi Gallery, Mali Losinj, Croatia – ‘Universal Memories’
2017. Botanist, Zagreb, Croatia – ‘Urban Moments’
2015. Gallery Prica, Samobor, Croatia – ‘In Lost Time’
2014. AQ Gallery, Celje, Slovenia – ‘Jarun’
2013. Gallery Modulor, Zagreb, Croatia – ‘Urban Moments’
2012. Photo Gallery Lang, Samobor, Croatia – ‘Made in Croatia’
2011. Gallery Siscia Obscura, Sisak, Croatia – ‘Photographs’

Participated in numerous group exhibitions in the country and abroad.

Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel
Museum of Losinj, Mali Losinj, Croatia
City Library of Zagreb – Zagrabiensia collection, Croatia
Gallery Lang, Samobor, Croatia
Private Collection in USA, Europe and Middle East

PRESS / e-ZINE / INTERVIEWS  (selection)
Kolibris / Croatia, March 2022. / VIDEO
Adore Noir / Canada, June 2018. / PDF
Grain / issue 2, Serbia, January 2016. / PDF
Perceive Art / Croatia, December 2015. / WEB
The Angry Bat’s / Slovenia, May 2015.
7 Dnevno / Croatia, December 2014. / PDF
Détour / Spain, March 2014. / WEB
Pogledaj.To / Croatia, February 2014. / WEB
Stampsy / Russia, September 2013.
The Art of Creative Photography / Germany, May 2013.
Phases / France, January 2013. / WEB
UYW Magazine / issue 24, Australia, January 2013. / PDF
Miesiecznik FOTO / issue 12, Poland, December 2012. / PDF
Focus Folios Magazine / issue 1, USA, July 2012. / PDF
Blur Magazine / issue 16, Croatia, December 2009. / PDF